(영문) 울산지방법원 2018.05.30 2017가합23666



1. The defendant shall be the plaintiff.

(a) Of each land listed in attached Tables 1 and 3 of the Schedule 1, the Attached Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 of Annex 2.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff completed the registration of transfer of ownership in the name of the Plaintiff on July 7, 2017, in the case of a voluntary auction applied for by Ulsan District Court C and D (hereinafter “instant auction”) in Ulsan Metropolitan City Forestry Cooperatives (Ulsan District Court No. 103472, Oct. 2, 2014) (Ulsan District Court No. 103472, Oct. 2, 2014) (hereinafter “instant auction”), each of the lands listed in the separate sheet No. 1 (hereinafter “each of the instant lands”) in which the said lands were awarded a successful bid on May 31, 2017 and paid the bid price in full.

B. The Defendant was established on October 13, 2014. The Defendant: (a) 2, 3; (b) 3; (c) 4; (d) 2; (c) 3; (c) 3; (d) 2; (c) 3; (d) 4; and (e) 2; (c) 3; (d) 4; and (e) 1; and (e) 3; (d) 4; and (e) 2; (c) 3; (d) 3; (e) 4; and (e) 1; and (e) 2; (e) 3; (e) 1; (e) 2; (e) 3; (e) 3; (e) 4; and (e) 2; (e) 3; (f) 3; (f) 4; (f) 3; (f) 26; (f) 26; (f) 13; (f) 15; and (f) 4; (f) 2); and (f) 3; (g) 3; (g) 4) 3;