(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2017.08.18 2017고단1395




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for six months and by imprisonment for eight months.

However, from the date this judgment became final and conclusive, Defendant.


Punishment of the crime


A is the representative director of K K Co., Ltd. and Defendant B is the representative of L Group.

Defendants, who had their hotel construction work, had their hotel construction work.

M Co., Ltd. (the original trade name was “N Co., Ltd.,” but the trade name was changed on March 2, 2015, as mentioned above, and hereinafter “M”) owned by the M, P, Q, R, Te, T, U,V, W, X, Y, and Z land was put up for public auction, the third party was unable to report the excessive lien at an economic cost, and then the said real estate was collected as a successful bidder.


On August 17, 2015, A prepared a standard contract for private construction works between K and N Co., Ltd. (M) at the office of the member-gu AA and the office of Ansan-si, AA and the six-story K Co., Ltd., and entered “AB” in the column for representative director of N Co., Ltd.

However, in fact, AB retired from office as the representative director of NB around July 31, 2015, the above contract was made by arbitrarily misrepresenting the status of the representative director of the above company, and the Defendants became aware of the resignation of AB on August 2015.

On November 18, 2015, at the office of the Asia Trust Co., Ltd. of the 416th floor as in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on November 13, 2016, Defendants filed a false lien on the trust real estate (the amount of lien exercised is KRW 26,412,540,00,000, totaling KRW 550,00,000,000 for total of KRW 25,862,540,000 for the construction cost of the above Asian Trust Co., Ltd.).

In addition, the Defendants, at around November 18, 2015, submitted a lien report to an employee of the above company's name in the above office, and even if they knew of the fact that the standard contract document for private construction works was made by the qualification conspiracy as above.