(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2017.08.30 2017고단1400




A and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment for one year, and imprisonment for Defendant C and Defendant D with prison labor for six months.

, however, the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

[In fact, G shall provide 14 teams and 128 employees with false information on the website while operating the “K” and 14 teams and 128 employees in the “L,” and enter into the primary contract at a price that makes it impossible to sell the stores posted on the website and other vehicles (the 1st vehicle) at a price that makes it impossible to sell them normally. After considering its own attitude, G shall pay additional expenses, such as succession money, which does not exist on the ground of light and public sale, to the borrower, it may not return the vehicle price already paid and the contract may not be revoked. The 2nd vehicle and the 2nd vehicle are sold at a price significantly higher than the market price of the vehicle expected to be sold to the employees of the K, and the 1st vehicle manager or the 7th vehicle manager in the name of the K company to provide the employees of the K company with false information, and the 1st vehicle and the 2nd vehicle are sold to the employees of the K company under the name of the Defendant company or the 7th vehicle manager in the name of the K company.