(영문) 부산고등법원 (창원) 2016.12.14 2016노293



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal is too unreasonable that the punishment (two years of imprisonment, 80 hours of order to complete the course) imposed by the court below against the defendant is too unreasonable.

2. The crime of this case is an unfavorable circumstance against the defendant, such as the following facts: (a) the crime of this case was committed by the defendant against his wife and was committed by the defendant, and the defendant was committed by committing an indecent act against the victim by putting his fingers in the inner part of the juvenile victim (the 16-year old age), who was locked while studying in the military by being her wife; (b) putting his fingers into the knife with his fingers; and (c) putting his fingers into the knife with his fingers; and (d) the nature and method of committing the crime was very poor; (b) the victim, who is obliged to form a favorable and proper sexual values, would have suffered a sense of sexual humiliation due to the crime of this case; (c) the

On the other hand, the fact that the defendant is against the defendant when committing the crime of this case, and the defendant is the first offender who has no criminal record, is favorable to the defendant.

위와 같은 사정들과 그 밖에 피고인의 나이, 성행, 환경, 범행의 동기, 수단과 결과, 범행 후의 정황 등 변론에 나타난 모든 양형조건 및 대법원 양형위원회 제정 양형기준의 권고형량 범위 ◈ 법률상 처단형의 범위: 징역 2년 ~ 30년 ◈ 양형기준의 적용 [유형의 결정] 성범죄> 일반적 기준> 강제추행죄(13세 이상 대상)> 제2유형(친족관계에 의한 강제추행/주거침입 등 강제추행/특수강제추행) [권고영역 및 권고형의 범위] 기본영역, 징역 1년 8월 ~ 3년 4월[청소년 강제추행은 위의 제2유형에 포섭하되, 형량범위의 하한(2년 6월)과 상한(5년)을 각 2/3로 감경함] [처단형에 의하여 수정된 권고형의 범위] 징역 2년 ~ 3년 4월 양형기준에 따른 권고형의 하한이 법률상 처단형의 범위의 하한보다 낮으므로, 그 하한은...