(영문) 수원지방법원 2016.10.14 2015고단4281




A, C, and D shall be sentenced to 10 months of imprisonment, Defendant B, F, G, and H, and Defendant E shall be sentenced to 8 months of imprisonment, respectively, and 1 year of imprisonment.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant E, D, and F’s fraud of casino: (a) around October 2013, along with the P introduced by the NFO of the casino; (b) “I am to be a place where I am going to a foreign casino; (c) I am to contact with the person who introduced the customer from the other side, because I am to reduce the amount of 60% of the lost money; (d) I am to inform the victim of the fact that his mother would also engage in leasing business in the dembite area in Gwangju-si; and (e) I am to have the victim play a role of getting the role of getting the victim to borrow money from the victim; and (e) B, R, Q, and the Defendants, upon being aware of the fact that the victim’s mother would have run the business in the dembane area in Gwangju-si; and (e) M am to get the victim to run the casino with the victim’s accomplice and to get the victim to run it together with the victim’s atmosphere to be distributed to the victim.

Accordingly, R, around December 2013, took place as follows: (a) from Defendant D, the times after the victim was able to play in the office of R with Defendant E, and (b) he was able to receive a telephone from Defendant E, and (c) he was able to do so.