(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2017.03.24 2017고단101



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

On August 25, 2011, the Defendant was sentenced to four years of imprisonment for robbery as a crime of robbery in the Seosan Branch of the Daejeon District Court on August 25, 201 and was released on December 24, 2014 and the parole period passed on May 25, 2015.

At the time of high school students C, the Defendant, following the person driving a vehicle with C and drinking alcohol, caused a high-level traffic accident, received an agreement from the driver on the condition that he did not report to the police, or conspired to receive insurance proceeds by accepting an accident as if the insurance company was not an intentional traffic accident.

1. 피해자 D에 대한 공갈 미수 피고인은 2015. 11. 19. 오후 C에게 연락하여 C이 운행하고 다니는 E 마 티 즈 승용차를 운전하여 서산시 F에 있는 G 정류소로 오도록 한 뒤, 정류소 근처 식당에서 술을 마시고 있는 피해자 D(54 세) 을 기다려 그가 차량을 운전하면 고의로 교통사고를 야기하여 합의 금을 요구하기로 공모하고, 피해 자가 같은 날 22:00 경 술을 마신 상태로 H 무쏘 화물차를 운전하여 가자 C은 위 마 티 즈 승용차를 운전하고 피고인은 C과 동승한 후 피해자를 뒤따라가 22:55 경 같은 시 동문동에 있는 구 주공아파트 107 동 앞 노상에서 피해자의 화물차 뒤 범퍼 부분을 마 티 즈 승용차의 앞 범퍼 부분으로 들이받는 교통사고를 고의로 일으키고, 피해자에게 “ 아저씨 술 마셨죠,

The drinking driving fine is five million won, and the police should be cut off because of drinking and driving," three or more persons, and the victim did not make an agreement, but was fright to report it to the police. However, the victim did not have an agreement because it was considered to have been aquaticly and the victim did not have to do so.

Accordingly, the defendant, in collusion with C, intended to receive property by threatening the victim, but attempted to do so.