(영문) 서울형사지법 1985. 8. 28. 선고 85고단3536 판결 : 항소


Main Issues

The case where it is recognized that a demonstration that is likely to cause a significant social anxiety has been prepared;

Summary of Judgment

The case where it is recognized that a demonstration that is likely to cause a significant social anxiety has been prepared;

[Reference Provisions]

Article 3 of the Assembly and Demonstration Act


Defendant 1 and one other


Defendant 1 shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for a year and six months, and by imprisonment with prison labor for a year.

In the detention days prior to sentencing, each 90 days shall be included in the above sentence.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date when this judgment became final and conclusive, and for two years for Defendant 2, respectively.

Articles in the attached Form (No. 1 through 5) seized shall be confiscated.

Criminal facts

Defendant 2 is a student registered in the humanitarian philosophy of the East National University and four years, who works as the chairperson of the Committee on the Suppression of National Self-defense in the East National University, and Defendant 2 is a student registered in the department of statistics of the East National University for four years, and is working as a member of the Suppression in the East National University;

Defendant 1, at around May 23, 1985:23:15, the head of the Dong-gu University Dematization Promotion Committee from Non-Party 1, "five students are occupying the U.S. Cultural Institute, farming, and in our school, whether it is not necessary to hold a support demonstration" was presented and responded to this. At around 24:19:00 of the same month, Defendant 1 agreed that the U.S. Cultural Institute prior to the Seoul Station will hold a demonstration with the U.S. Cultural Institute. Around 24:19:00 of the same month, Defendant 1 shared the following duties: (a) Defendant 1 shared the following duties: (b) to prevent the police access at the time of the demonstration; (c) to manufacture the spawn disease, the plant, and each item; and (d) to manufacture the spawn spawn spawn spawn spawn spawn spawn s.; and (d) Defendant 2 subsequently produced it.

피고인들은 위 공소외 1 및 공소외 2와 공동하여, 1985.5.24. 10:00경부터 같은날 12:00경까지는 피고인들이 12:00경부터 15:00경까지는 피고인 1과 위 공소외 2가, 15:30경부터 17:00경까지는 피고인 1과 위 공소외 1이 각 공동으로 위 사무실에서, 같은날 19:00 서울역앞 가두시위에서 사용할 목적으로 2홉짜리 소주병에 석유와 신나를 2:1의 비율로 섞어 넣고 솜마개를 한다음 철사로 병 주둥이를 묶어 그 철사에 심지를 만드는 방법으로 화염병 총 32개를, 각목을 30센티미터길이로 잘라 그 끝에 철사를 박고 솜뭉치를 매다는 방법으로 솜방망이 총 35개를, 가로, 세로 각 35센테미터의 나무를 길이 약 60센티미터 정도로 잘라 각목 35개를 각 제작하고, 200씨씨짜리 벤졸 6개를 새로 인근 약국에서 구입하고, 지난 가두시위때 쓰고 남은 벤졸 6병을 수거 준비하여, 벤졸 총 12병을 준비하고, 교대에서 수거한 불발 최루탄 2개도 준비하여서 현저히 불안을 야기시킬 우려가 있는 시위를 할 것을 예비한 것이다.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement that conforms to the facts stated in the court by the Defendants

1. Each statement made by a prosecutor and judicial police officer, which conforms to the facts indicated in the judgment, among the suspect interrogation records prepared for handling affairs by the Defendants;

1. Statement that corresponds to the facts indicated in the protocol of interrogation of Nonindicted 1 as to Nonindicted 1 prepared by the prosecutor

1. There are respective items to be seized in the separate sheet (as referred to in subparagraphs 1 through 5).

Application of Statutes

Articles 14(2), 3(2), and 48(1)1 of the Assembly and Demonstration Act (Article 30(2), 3(1)4 of the Criminal Act (Article 30(a)), 57, 62(Article 62(a) of the Criminal Act (Article 14(2), 3(2), and 3(1)4 of the same Act (Article 57), and Article 48(1)1 of the same Act.

Judges Lee Hong-hoon