(영문) 춘천지방법원 강릉지원 2015.09.03 2015고단319




A Imprisonment with prison labor for three years and for ten months, respectively.

However, this judgment is delivered against Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime

[Defendants] 2015 Highest 319 [Defendants]

1. The Defendants’ co-principals, from July 25, 2014, run a business of arranging sexual traffic with the trade name “F” located in Gangseo-si, Gangnam-si from around July 25, 2014, and G is a massage with visual disability 1, who lent the name of the business operator necessary for the establishment of the said business to Defendant A and works as a massage at the said business establishment.


B is a person with a claim equivalent to KRW 200 million against Defendant A, who worked at the said business place from August 5, 2014 to be engaged in the work at the said business place, and received the payment after guiding the customers who find the business place to take charge of the massage and sexual traffic female employees, and paid monthly pay to other employees of the business place. He is a friendship of the above Defendant B, who was in charge of the overall accounting of the business place of the said business place from September 2014 upon Defendant B’s request, while performing the work at the said business place, he is a person in charge of the overall accounting of the business place of the Defendant B while performing the work at the said business place from September 5, 2014, and I is a person working as an employee from around October 5, 2014.

Defendants, G, H, and I conspired to operate the said “F,” which is a business establishment arranging sexual traffic, in the above manner.

On February 25, 2015, at the 303 room in the above “F” business establishment around 23:00, the Defendants directed the J, a customer who had found the said H, to the effect that “The said H, at intervals of 30 minutes, engaged in sexual intercourse by entering the guest room in the order of two-way sexual traffic women, who are 180,000,000 won, if they are paid in cash when they are aware of sexual intercourse from a massage with visual disability before and after sexual intercourse, and KRW 190,000, if they are paid in the card,” and provided that the said J, upon receiving KRW 180,000 in cash from the above J, the female employee of the mother’s nationality, who is the female employee of the Defendant, from August 2, 2014 to August 2, 2015.”