(영문) 춘천지방법원 원주지원 2016.11.08 2016고단563




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for ten months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime


A is the owner of "H game room" on the second floor of G in the prime city of the prime city, and I has been a customer in the above game room, and it is a person who has been a customer in the above game room and made exchange with employees.

1. No game products related business entity who has neglected speculative acts shall allow others to gamble or perform other speculative acts, or leave them to do so, using the game products;

그럼에도 피고인 A은 2015. 5. 22.경부터 2015. 9. 24.경까지 사이에, 위 게임장에서 게임기를 자동으로 실행시켜 주는 속칭 ‘똑딱이’ 장치를 구비한 후, 손님들이 게임기 동전 투입구에 동전을 넣고 위 ’똑딱이‘ 장치를 위 게임기 위에 올려놓으면 ’차차차‘, ’황룡성‘ 등 게임이 자동으로 실행되고 우연에 의해 결정되는 게임결과에 따라 점수를 획득하는 게임기 110대를 설치하여 위 게임장을 운영하였다.


A around that time, when a request for the accumulation of points obtained through the use of game products from customers was made, A accumulated and delivered the relevant points on the plastic card for the purpose of accumulating points as corresponding to that point, and when customers present a card, they entered the said game in the said game machine as accumulated points so that customers can re-be allowed, or when a customer who has the card purchased the card and purchased it to another customer, a customer who has the card can re-be allowed him/her by using the points accumulated in the card.

Accordingly, Defendant A, as seen above, provided customers who were found in the above game area with an exchange value on plastic cards for the purpose of accumulating points issued in the above game area, provided that Defendant A had provided gambling and other speculative acts using game products.

2. No one shall engage in the business of exchange or intermediation of exchange with tangible and intangible results obtained through the use of game products;

Nevertheless, it is not possible.