(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.09.28 2016고정2805



The prosecution of this case is dismissed.


1. On December 29, 2015, the Defendant charged with the charge to 12 persons, including F, etc., who have access to the Internet site server at the Defendant’s home located in Young-gu, Young-si, Young-si and became aware of as a business relationship with D, victims E, etc. on December 29, 2015.

The author has the honor to (State) the former representative director A.

(b) all of the companies which have started and operated a business 13 years prior to the 13-year period shall be the wife of the company and shall be late.

D(H) If you see the thickness of the d(H), we were to have the attached materials sent to the mar who would have been dynasium.

Cruel D (using H or other name), E, I, J, K, etc., if any, refer to the statement of the case for which the proposal was sought, and the response is to be made well by taking into account the outlines.

In addition to the contents of “A statement (comfore) which was submitted to an investigative agency while filing a criminal complaint against the above D, victims, etc. for fraud, the Defendant C, I, K, and E’s joint crimes - The Defendant, the complainant, shall transfer the shares of the Defendant Company, the complainant, as a security for the borrowed money, to K, who is the Defendant. As a result, shall have the right of management of the Defendant Company deducted.

(m) Defendant E said that it should transfer the shares held by the complainant and the complainant to Defendant K.

However, even if shares are transferred as collateral, Defendant E did not have any intent or ability to recover shares by repaying the principal and interest until the end of March 2015, even if shares are transferred as collateral.

In this respect, the person who made the statement has transferred the shares of the company and the shares of the company owned by the complainant to K as collateral.

(A) Defendant D, I would like to take advantage of the intent of Defendant D, and I would like to take advantage of the right of management of Defendant D, and I would like to take advantage of the following: (a) Defendant D, and I would like to take out the statements and the shares of Defendant D, E, and Non-indicted D, which were held by the Defendant Company on December 201.

(b) However, the person who made a statement is a complaint from D, a defendant around January 2015.