(영문) 대전지방법원 2017.05.24 2017고단858




A and Defendant B shall be sentenced to six months of imprisonment and a fine of 5 million won, Defendant C shall be sentenced to a fine of 10 million won, and Defendant D shall be sentenced to a fine of 10 million won.


Punishment of the crime


A, B, and D are dump truck drivers, Defendant C are daily workers, Defendant E is company members, and Defendant F are farm operators, respectively.

1. Opening a place for gambling or gambling;

A. From December 26, 2016 to December 20:30, 2016, Defendant A, C, C, D, and E: (a) from December 26, 2016 to December 05:00, Defendant F: (b) from December 26, 2016 to December 20, 2016, Defendant F was at Defendant F’s farm container located in Sejong-si from around 20:30 to 01:00 each, using card 52; (c) distributed each card 1,00 won each, using card 52; and (d) distributed each card 4 pages each; and (e) there was a difference in numbers each of the cards 4 in the order of persons with lower numbers. (e) Defendant F was at least 60,000 won each of the games, and Defendant C, C, C, and C, C, and C, C, and C were at least 50,000.

B. Defendant C, at the time, at the time, and at the place specified in the above paragraph A, opened a place for gambling with the Defendant and the said Party A, B, E, D, and F, to communicate with each other and provide a card so that they can gather at the said place, and to walk money for profit, such as walking money under the name of “typ” from them.

(1) Defendant C denies that there was no entry in the gambling place for profit. However, the following circumstances revealed by each statement of A, B, E, and F in this Court, i.e., Defendant C contact with gambling participants on the day of the instant case, i.e., Defendant C’s request by F to contact with the gambling participants; Defendant C interfered with the gambling place by requesting F; Defendant C was released from gambling place; Defendant C’s money at the time of gambling; part of the money would have been brought to Defendant C; and on the day of the instant case, prior to the instant case, Defendant C appears to have been stuffed with Defendant C as the main agent of the instant case, the charge is found).