(영문) 대구지방법원김천지원 2016.07.07 2014가단12283



1. The Defendant shall pay to the Plaintiff KRW 108,958,019 as well as 5% per annum from March 20, 2013 to July 7, 2016.


1. B arising from liability for damages, on March 19, 2013, when driving a private taxi that has subscribed to the mutual aid by the Defendant at around 22:30, and stopping at a two-lane crossing in front of the agency located in the Gu and Si/Gun/Gu, but did not allow the U.S. as a Gu-U.S. surface while driving a U.S. model, the Plaintiff’s O.M. surface of the front part of the Plaintiff’s O.S. surface of the Gu-U.S. surface of the Gu-U.S. surface of the Gu-U.S. surface of the Gu-U. surface of the Gu-U.S. surface of the Gu-U.S. surface of the front part of the Plaintiff’s back to the right side of the said individual taxi

[2] The Plaintiff suffered injury, such as damage to the trochisism, damage to the trochisism, machisism, machisism, echisism, external flasism and other damage, flachisism and pulmonary flachisism, flachisism of flachisism, flachisism in face flachisism, flachisism, etc. (A2 and 3. Accordingly, the Defendant is liable as a mutual aid project operator of the above individual taxi to compensate the Plaintiff for damage caused to the Plaintiff by negligence during the operation of the fla

2. Scope of damages.

(a) On-site income: 106,271,653 (Calculation Details refer to the attached Form) - The unit wage rate for the ordinary part-time wage (no dispute exists, A6, 11, 16, etc.) - The labor capacity loss rate for three months (86 days, period of hospitalization) from March 19, 2013 to June 12, 2013, approximately two months from December 23, 2013 to February 19, 2014, respectively 100% (46 days, period of re-hospitalization) of the Enforcement Decree of the State Compensation Act (the appraisal result of 12-14) - The appraisal result of the above 100% of the 10th appraisal result of the above 15th appraisal result of the Mali-Manon Hospital and the 15th appraisal result of the above Maliwon Hospital, 10% of the 39th appraisal result of the appraisal result of the 12th appraisal result of the Manon Hospital.