(영문) 광주지방법원 순천지원 2015.11.20 2015고단1047



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. On September 20, 2014, at around 03:40 on September 20, 2014, the Defendant committed an indecent act against a female on the part of the Defendant, by stating that the Defendant would be able to see that the Defendant would be able to see that the Defendant would be able to see the Defendant’s right while drinking together with F, the proprietor of the entertainment drinking house, and the Defendant, an employee of the said entertainment drinking house (the age of 39), who is an employee of the said entertainment drinking house (the age of 39).

2. The defendant asserts that the victim merely expressed the victim the phrase "one assistant only once" and that there was no indecent act against the victim.

The evidence consistent with the facts charged lies in the victim and F's statement at the investigative agency and the court, but it is consistent with the following circumstances recognized by the evidence. ① At the investigative agency and the court, H, the owner of the site of this case, consistently stated that the defendant did not commit an indecent act against the victim although the defendant had consistently written the statements in the facts charged. ② The victim stated that the police was the defendant's chest, but the prosecutor tried to keep the defendant's chest on two occasions, the victim was the first, and the second statement was made, and the chest was only the same as the facts charged, ③ The victim stated that he had the statement again and made the statement again after H, but this court reversed the victim's statement once again as stated in the facts charged, ④ the victim stated in the investigation agency and made the statement to the effect that the defendant made the statement to the effect that the victim was the victim's chest, ⑤ The victim made the statement to the effect that the defendant made the statement to the same effect as the facts charged, but ⑤ the victim made the statement to the court.