(영문) 창원지방법원 2019.02.12 2018고합13



1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.


Of the facts charged against A, each of the B and D is involved.


Punishment of the crime

To the extent that facts constituting an offense are identical to facts charged and basic facts are not likely to substantially disadvantage Defendant A and B’s exercise of their right to defense, part of the facts charged is recognized differently from those charged.

No person shall receive interest exceeding 25% per annum, which is the highest interest rate prescribed by the Interest Limitation Act.

Nevertheless, around March 31, 2016, Defendant A lent the remainder of KRW 19,500,000 per annum 2.5% per annum from “F” in Kimhae-si, excluding the pre-paid interest of KRW 500,00,00,000 to B, Defendant A received 20,500,000 per annum from B on April 29, 2016 and received interest equivalent to 62.39% per annum from 30,000,000,000 per annum from March 31, 2016 to 30,000,000,000 won per annum 1,20,000,000 won per annum 19,000,000,000 won per annum, and Defendant A received 20,000,0000,000 won per annum 16,0000,000 won per annum from other creditors.”


A In order to show to D the instrument of borrowing the interest of KRW 1.6 million per month as originally agreed, A is not a policeman in May 2016.
