(영문) 전주지방법원남원지원 2015.12.17 2014가합1254

보험에관한 소송


1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of basic recognition;

A. On September 14, 2009, the Defendant entered into an insurance contract with the Plaintiff as the insured on the attached list (hereinafter “instant insurance contract”) with the Defendant, and the instant insurance contract was concluded for the purpose of paying injury, death, disability, expenses for hospitalization of disease, etc. in preparation for a specific insurance accident.

B. From January 29, 2010 to July 25, 2013, after the conclusion of the instant insurance contract, the Defendant received hospital treatment as indicated in the table 1, and received total KRW 38,973,443 from the Plaintiff, following the Defendant received hospital treatment due to hepatitis, high blood pressure, urology, urology, and terriology as indicated in the following table 1.

In addition, on March 25, 2014, the Defendant borrowed KRW 430,00 from the Defendant as a standardized contract loan, and on November 13, 2015, the principal and interest of the loan as of November 13, 2015 are KRW 453,490.

<표1> 원고의 보험금 지급내역순번 병원명 입원기간 입원일수 주요병명 1 B병원 2010. 1. 29. ~ 2010. 2. 22. 25일 치핵, 고혈압 2 B병원 2010. 4. 2. ~ 2010. 4. 15. 14일 본태성 고혈압, 자극성 장증후군 3 C병원 2010. 5. 20. ~ 2010. 6. 8. 20일 위염, 위식도 역류질환 4 C병원 2010. 6. 30. ~ 2010. 7. 10. 11일 위염, 위식도 역류질환 5 B병원 2010. 8. 9. ~ 2010. 8. 23. 15일 기타 급성 위염, 본태성 고혈압 6 D병원 2010. 10. 19. ~ 2010. 11. 9. 22일 요추간판탈출증 7 E병원 2010. 11. 10. ~ 2010. 11. 30. 21일 요추간판탈출증 8 F병원 2010. 12. 11. ~ 2010. 12. 27. 17일 신경뿌리병증을 동반한 허리척추뼈 및 추간판장애 9 F병원 2011. 2. 14. ~ 2011. 3. 2. 17일 위염 및 십이지장염, 본태성 고혈압 10 G한방병원 2011. 3. 22. ~ 2011. 4. 6. 16일 요추염좌, 어깨염좌 11 G한방병원 2011. 4. 29. ~ 2011. 5. 16. 18일 요추간판탈출증 12 G한방병원 2011. 6. 14. ~ 2011. 6. 30. 17일 경추간판장애 13 H내과 2011. 7. 8. ~ 2011. 7. 18. 11일 창자감염 14 G한방병원 2011. 8. 8. ~ 2011. 8. 24. 17일 경추간판장애 15 H내과 2011. 9. 9. ~ 2011. 9. 19. 11일 위염...