(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2016.11.10 2016고정604



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. The summary of the facts charged is the person who was the president of a child-care center.

On November 15, 2015, around 15:30 on November 15, 2015, the Defendant appeared in the court of Seoul Northern District Court No. 203, 2014Gahap6293, as a witness of the damage compensation case against Plaintiff F, and took an oath.

The Defendant testified as “for example,” on the physical record of the Plaintiff’s agent’s “I have held a parents gathering at E Child-Care Center on 02.01.02, and the witness also appeared to attend a meeting.”

However, the defendant testified falsely as if he participated in the recording book prepared by F even though he was not in an open classroom and could not know well the situation at the time.

The Defendant testified that the Plaintiff’s Plaintiff’s agent “I, I, J, K, and other children, including H, I, and K, had several persons, on the day on which the Plaintiff’s agent asked to leave the meeting on 02.01, 201, and on several occasions.”

The Defendant testified as follows: “I am the Plaintiff’s agent “I am asked that certain parents, after the meeting was completed, would like to provide meals together with the Plaintiff F, former president L, and infant care teachers,” and “I am asked as follows: “I am the former president L, M, and N, a teacher, have come to a part of parents’ meals,” but there was no fact that there was meals on the day of the instant case.”

As above, the Defendant made a false statement contrary to his memory and raised perjury.

2. Determination

A. Perjury is established by making a statement against a witness’s memory who has taken an oath under law. Thus, even if such statement is inconsistent with objective facts, it cannot be readily concluded that it is a perjury before examining whether it goes against the witness’s memory, and its contents are contrary to the witness memory.