(영문) 인천지방법원 2014.10.16 2014고단6122




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for six months and by imprisonment for four months.

, however, for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A and Defendant B committed a assault with his accomplice D (a claim for a summary order on the same day) on July 19, 2014, on the street in front of “Fnat” located in Gyeyang-gu Incheon Gyeyang-gu, and the victim G (21 years of age) and the victim H (22 years of age) while running the shooting game, and D said that the victim “I ambbbbing once drinking” read as “I ambing one half of the Korean medicine,” but the victims called “I ambling one half of the Korean medicine,” and Defendant A committed an assault, such as assaulting the victim G face part of the victim G at a time of drinking. Accordingly, Defendant B and D participated, and she sawed the victim’s faling, pushed it over, pushed it over, and did so with the victim’s chest’s chest, and she did so for 28 days of treatment, such as the victim’s hair and the victim’s faling of the victim H.

As a result, the Defendants, together with D, inflicted an injury on the victim G and assaulted the victim H.

2. The Defendant: (a) received the date, time, place, and reported the above assault case 112 and notified the victims of the instant assault case to the police officer, and (b) notified the victims of this fact that he could have been arrested as a crime of obstruction of performance of official duties; (c) continued to depict the shoulder part and breath; (d) interfered with the police officer’s legitimate performance of official duties in relation to the police officer’s 112 report handling duties by assaulting the victim’s 112 report handling duties; and (d) at the same time, the victim injured the victim, who was the police officer, by drinking the victim’s 14 days left part of the water-free balance, which requires treatment for about 14 days.

3. Defendant B: (a) committed assaulting a police officer, who was a police officer upon request of a police officer I to support the police officer, on the ground that the police officer, who was in receipt of a request of a police officer I, assaulted a police officer I, such as “in-house frighter” and “in-house frighter,” and (b) committed a police officer’s frighter, such as smugglinging the chest part of the said J with his hand, thereby handling the police officer’