(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2018.09.05 2018고단1325



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 80 hours.


Punishment of the crime

1. On June 24, 2018, the Defendant interfered with the performance of official duties, at the front of the convenience store located in Suwon-gu, Busan on June 24, 2018, the Defendant left the front of the convenience store C, which was located in Suwon-gu, Busan on the day, to be cleared from E and Japan on the ground of the duty police team affiliated with Busan on the Busan on Police Station D, which was under the crime prevention patrol.

Defendant 1 to the above E and F “L feasia to Chewing feasia, and algoh death shall be discarded.

He saw that he was "humma mar", he saw F as his hand twice, and saw F's head and the bones part of E with drinking, respectively.

Defendant spit the above H’s face at two times, spiting that the police officer of the Busan Southern Police Station G District, who continued to be dispatched to the site upon receiving a request for support, expressed that it was defective in order to confirm the situation of the case by the police officer assigned to the Busan Southern Police Station G District, and that “I am spite, I am spite, I am spite, I am spite, I am spite.” Accordingly, the Defendant interfered with legitimate execution of duties concerning the patrol of auxiliary police officers and the handling of reports by police officers

2. The Defendant forced indecent act committed an indecent act by force against the victim F (22 years) who was the Defendant at the time, place, and the victim F (22 years) who was the Defendant committed an indecent act by force by inserting his hand the victim’s sexual organ into the victim’s leg.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. Each legal statement of the witness F, E, H, and I (the defendant and his defense counsel did not act as described on each criminal facts in the judgment of the defendant;

The argument is asserted.

However, since the testimony of each of the above witnesses, consistent with each of the facts stated in the judgment, is consistent, specific, and reliable due to nature, it can be sufficiently recognized that each of the above testimony is criminal facts.

In addition, if the defendant's statements from the investigative agency to this court are closely examined, it seems that the defendant's assertion is merely a mere fact that he cannot memory the criminal facts.


【Defense Counsel’s argument without merit.】

Application of Statutes
