(영문) 청주지방법원 충주지원 2020.06.26 2019고단405



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. False entry into public electronic records, and any event such as false entry into public electronic records;

A. On April 26, 2016, the Defendant prepared a false application for registration of incorporation with the intent to establish and operate a corporation as a director of the corporation, such as clothes, bags, mail order, etc., and a false application for registration with the intention to establish a limited liability company of 15 million won in capital, and filed an application for registration with the public official in charge of registration in the name of non-registration.

A public official in charge of the above registration, who is unaware of such circumstance, shall enter the electronic register so that the registration of incorporation of "B" is completed in the corporate register, and the aforementioned corporate register recorded in the aforementioned false fact was kept in the electronic register.

Accordingly, the defendant made a false report to a public official to enter false facts in the corporate register in the same electronic records as the original of the notarial deed, and exercised it by having it keep it in the computerized register of corporate register.

B. In order to consider the experience in establishing a limited liability company mentioned in the above paragraph (a), the Defendant established a term “age corporation” and registered, and opened an account in the name of the corporation by using it, and intended to sell the passbook, check card, etc. connected to the said account to the public offering book, etc.

Accordingly, the Defendant prepared a false application for registration of the Daejeon District Court and its office located in Daejeon District Court 45, 78-ro, Daejeon District Court around June 8, 2017, and the facts are the actual director of the corporation, such as paying the corporation's capital, establishing the corporation's office, etc. and, even though the Defendant did not intend to establish and operate the corporation, for the purpose of selling online clothes, selling musical instruments, wholesale and retail, etc., and the capital of 15 million won is actually established.