The defendant's appeal is dismissed.
1. Of the facts charged in the instant case against the Defendant, the lower court found the Defendant guilty as to the injury inflicted on the part above the part above the part above and the part below guilty as to the injury inflicted on the victim by damaging the part above the part above and the part above the part above the 10-day medical treatment. As to the injury inflicted on the victim by damaging the part above the part above the 10-day medical treatment, the lower court found the Defendant not guilty on the ground of the judgment, and found the Defendant guilty of the injury in the one-day medical relation. In so doing, the lower court found the Defendant not guilty on the ground that only the Defendant appealed on the part above the part below's conviction and the part below which the prosecutor did not appeal on the part below was judged against the judgment below, but is in fact exempted from the judgment (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decision 2004Do5014, Oct. 28, 2004).
2. The summary of the grounds for appeal is that the defendant did not inflict an injury on the victim by taking the victim's knife by hand, but the court below found him guilty of this part of the facts charged. The court below erred by misapprehending the facts and affecting the conclusion of the judgment
3. 판단 원심이 적법하게 채택하여 조사한 증거들에 의하여 인정되는 다음과 같은 사정, 즉 피해자는 수사기관에서부터 원심 법정에 이르기까지 일관되게 피고인이 원심 판시 일시, 장소에서 피해자의 목을 잡아 목이 벌겋게 되었다고 진술하고 있는 점, 내사보고(증거기록 8쪽)에 첨부된 피해자 목 부위 사진 영상, 수사보고(증거기록 41쪽)에 첨부된 상해진단서의 기재 및 피고인과 피해자가 서로 멱살을 잡아당기는 등 몸싸움을 심하게 하였다는 목격자 E의 진술이 피해자의 진술에 부합하는 점, 피고인도 수사기관에서 이 사건 당시 피해자의 멱살을 잡은 사실이 있음을...