(영문) 부산지방법원 2019.08.20 2019고단2599



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On December 27, 2018, at around 11:00, the Defendant received a proposal from a person who assumes the “B company’s employee C” to “be able to lend at low interest rates: Provided, That if there is a lack of transactional record, if the account number is known, the Defendant would notify the serial number of the gift certificates to pay money.”

On August 21, 2018, the Defendant was aware of the fact that the Defendant could use the Defendant’s name account number for the crime of Bophishing if he was investigated by an investigative agency on the wind used for the crime of Bophishing, after hearing the horses that “on account of informing the account number, it would be transferred to the account designated by the opening of the loan by making a transaction record if the account number is known,” and he transferred the money deposited to the account designated by the opening of the Defendant’s name to the account designated by the opening of the opening of the name.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, as seen above, accepted the proposal of the staff member of the Company B under the name of the Defendant who misrepresented the “B Company C”. On December 27, 2018, the Defendant received from the victim the amount of KRW 10,000,000 from the Defendant’s bank account under the name of the Defendant at around 15:12 of the same day on December 27, 2018, the Defendant informed the Defendant of the bank account number (E) under the name of the Defendant, and on December 14:57, 2018, the Defendant called the victim F to the victim’s h number through G Meth’s H function, and then received the money from the victim at around 15:12 of the same day.

In addition, although the defendant received communication from the above needy person that the money was deposited in the account and attempted to purchase the merchandise coupon, he did not purchase the merchandise coupon on the wind that the account was suspended due to the victim's report.

In this respect, the defendant deceivings the victim by his nameless scaming staff.