(영문) 전주지방법원 2013.10.24 2013고단1188




A Imprisonment with prison labor for one year, and for six months, for each of the defendants B.

, however, from the date this judgment becomes final.


Punishment of the crime

[2013 Highest 1188]

1. Defendant A’s criminal act on September 23, 2012: (a) around 00:00 on September 23, 2012, the Defendant conspiredd to steal the external advertising board of the PC from the PC in competition with the above EPC, and stolen the external advertising board of the PC from the F, G, and H, a juvenile who entered the PC, free of charge, in the EPC operated by himself/herself on the third floor of the NPC-gu Seoul Metropolitan City, Y. In doing so, Defendant A conspired to steals the external advertising board of the PC from the PC in competition with the above EPC.

Accordingly, F, G, and H around 02:21 on the same day, around the entrance of the first floor of the IPC located in the Y of the Yan-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, G, and H reported the network, G reported the network, and H moved the exhauster of IPC external advertising board, and F brought F to E PC with the above exhauster, and F, F, G, and H brought back to E PC on the same day at the above place, at around 07:36 on the same day, and at around 07:36 on the same day, G, and H reported the network, and brought the network to E PC, while the Defendant received it, and the Defendant discarded it, and the support unit stored in E PC.

As a result, F, G, and H together with them, the Defendant stolen the external advertising board equivalent to KRW 70,000 at the market price of the victim K, in collusion with them.

2. September 25, 2012 by Defendant A

9. The Defendant committed the crime of September 24, 2012, sent F, G, and L, a juvenile released from September 24, 2012, to the above EPC, provided food and free games. L participated in F and G, thereby stealing the IPC’s external advertising board.

F, G, L around 02:32 on September 25, 2012, around the entrance door of the first floor of the IPC, G, L were reported to the network, and F was brought to the EPC with the external advertising board of the IPC and brought to the EPC. The Defendant received it and disposed of it, and the support stand was stored in the EPC.

As a result, F, G, L combined with them, the Defendant stolen the external advertising board equivalent to KRW 70,00 at the market price of the victim K, in collusion with them.

B. F, G, L around 03:51 on September 29, 2012, around the entrance door of the first floor of the above IPC, G, L are reported to the network, and F is an external advertising board of the IPC.