(영문) 수원지방법원 2020.04.14 2018가단507451



1. The defendant

A. Attached Form 1.2 of the maintenance of the wife B 9,875 square meters, C forest land 11,107 square meters, and D previous 7,134 square meters, which are attached hereto.


1. Basic facts

가. 원고(2008. 12. 29. 명칭이 “한국농촌공사”에서 “한국농어촌공사”로 변경되었다)와 주식회사 F(이하 ‘F’이라 한다)은 원고가 관리하는 저수지인 용인시 처인구 G리(이하 ‘G리’라고만 한다) H 대 958평(이하 ‘합병 전 H 토지’라 한다)에서 F이 모래와 협잡물(挾雜物) 부정한 것이 섞이어 깨끗하지 아니한 물건 등을 반출하기로 하는 ‘I저수지 준설사업계약’을 체결하였고, F은 위 계약에 따라 1991. 8. 16.부터 1997. 12. 31.까지 합병 전 H 토지에 반출기기 등을 설치하여 준설사업을 하였는데, 당시 피고가 F의 현장소장이었다.

B. On August 7, 2007, the Plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the Defendant claiming that he had taken over dredging equipment on the H’s land prior to the merger from F, seeking confirmation that he had the right to use the said land until he had taken over the aggregate 90,000 cubic meters from H’s land located on the H’s land prior to the merger (prefabricated 35 square meters), and the Defendant filed a lawsuit against the Plaintiff on March 14, 2008, seeking confirmation that he had the right to use the said land until he had taken the aggregate 90,000 cubic meters from H’s land prior to the merger (hereinafter “the aforementioned lawsuit”).

C. On August 14, 2008, a compromise was established in the said lawsuit (hereinafter “prior lawsuit”), and the main contents of the compromise clause (hereinafter “instant compromise clause”) of the protocol of compromise (hereinafter “instant protocol of compromise”) are as follows.

1. The defendant shall take out approximately 100,000 of dredging by-products loaded in He (I reservoir) with the population of the wife at the time of tolerance, out of the reservoir without distinguishing them from the reservoir.

2. The period of release shall be from January 2009 to December 2, 2010 (two years), and the shipment by-products shall be completed within the period.