1. The part concerning the claim for confirmation in the lawsuit of this case shall be dismissed.
Defendant A Trade Union, B, and D shall be jointly attached.
1. Basic facts
A. The parties’ relevant defendant trade union is a trade union organized by the employees of the company A (hereinafter “instant company”); Defendant B is the chairperson; Defendant C is the Secretary-General; Defendant D is the head of the business support office; Defendant E is the head of the policy office; and Defendant F is the head of the organization office.
B. 1) The Defendant trade union, on April 8, 2014, entered into a labor-management agreement with the company of this case (hereinafter “the first labor-management agreement”) with the following contents (hereinafter “the first labor-management agreement”).
). 이때 피고 노동조합이 조합원 총회를 개최하는 등 노사합의서 작성과 관련하여 사전에 조합원들의 의견을 청취한 바는 없다. ▣ (사업합리화) 노사합의서 주식회사 A와 피고 노동조합은 회사의 경영효율화를 위한 사업합리화 계획을 협의하고 아래와 같이 합의한다. 회사의 사업합리화 계획에 의거 Mass영업개통/ASPlaza 분야 업무를 폐지한다. 단, 회사 경영상황에 따라 축소 운영할 수 있다. 사업합리화 조치에 따라 해당 분야 잔류자에 대해서는 직무전환 교육 후 접점지역으 로 재배치한다. 단, 세부기준은 별도 합의 시행한다. 인사규정상의 사무/기술직렬은 일반직렬로 통합한다. ▣ (특별명예퇴직 노사합의서 특별명예퇴직을 2014. 4. 30.자로 시행한다.
- Special honorary retirement shall be for employees with a minimum of 15 years of service, except for those whose remaining retirement age is less than one year.
- The type of special honorary retirement shall be two types of retirement and reemployment, and it shall be possible for employees to freely choose.
- If an retired applicant selects a reemployment sentence, arrange group employment for a two-year period of employment, taking into account job flexibility.
The regular honorary retirement system shall be abolished as of May 1, 2014.
Provided, That a person who voluntarily retires in the first quarter of 2014 shall apply in accordance with the special terms and conditions of the voluntary retirement once.
The wage peak system is introduced as of January 1, 2015.
except that.