(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2017.07.19 2017고단623



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Kameras and photographing them);

A. On March 2016, the Defendant taken pictures of the victim E (V, 49 years of age) who is a female living together in the vicinity of “D” located in the Manyang-gu, Annyang-si, Annyang-si, and reported the urine by suffering from the anti-marcing concerned, such as yellow, etc., using the cell phone camera function, and taken pictures of the victim’s body that may cause sexual humiliation or shame against the victim’s will.

B. On July 2016, the Defendant taken pictures of the body of the victim who could cause sexual humiliation or sense of shame at the victim’s home where the Defendant and the victim live together, using the cell phone camera function, and taken pictures of the victim’s body against his/her will, at the victim’s home where the Defendant and the victim live together.


On August 2016, the Defendant taken pictures of the victim’s body against the victim’s will, at the victim’s house mentioned in the above B B above, who could cause sexual humiliation or sense of shame by using the cellular camera function.


On August 2016, the Defendant taken a photograph of the victim’s body, which might cause sexual humiliation or shame, by taking the victim’s body using the camera function of mobile phone devices, from “H” located in Mayang-si G around Anyang-si, Mayang-si. The Defendant taken the victim’s body against the victim’s will.

2. When the Defendant took the victim around December 2016 of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (obscenity using communications media), the Defendant sent the victim a back-to-face photo of the victim who causes sexual humiliation of the “J” through “J” through “B”, around 00:07 on February 4, 2017, with an intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire, and then sent the victim a back-to-face photo of the victim, which causes sexual humiliation of the “J” through “B”, from around 0:07 to April 19, 2017.