(영문) 울산지방법원 2020.09.10 2020고단577




A Imprisonment with prison labor for a period of two years and six months, each of whom shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of six months.

Defendant B, Defendant B, and Defendant.


Punishment of the crime

On February 4, 2016, Defendant A was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for one year and six months and a fine of 300,000 won for night buildings, attempted larceny, etc. at the Ulsan District Court, on June 23, 2017, and sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for two years and a fine of 300,000 won for special larceny, etc. at the Ulsan District Court’s port branch on December 20, 2017, Defendant A was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for three months and a fine of 10,000 won for special larceny, etc. at the Daegu District Court’s port branch on March 13, 2019 and completed the execution of each of the above punishment at the port prison on March 13, 2019.

Defendant A is a person who is engaged in the operation of a DNA car. Defendant A is a person who is engaged in the operation of a DNA car.

On December 27, 2019, the Defendant: (a) driven the said Indian car on the 15:15th day of December 27, 2019; (b) while driving along the three-lane road in front E-do along the way to turn to the left at the seat of F Hospital at the front of the police box; (c) was negligent in the course of business not operating the steering direction and operation system accurately; (d) was driven by the victim G (40 years old) who was signaled at the front of the traffic line at the front of the passenger car; and (e) took the back part of the said passenger car in front of the said passenger car at the front of the said Tts E350 vehicle; and (e) took part of the victim I (60 years old) who sent the signal at the front of the said passenger car at the front of the said passenger car; and (e) took part of the said passenger car driving on the side of the said passenger car at the front of the F Hospital; and (e) took part of the said passenger car at the back of the said 3rd.

Ultimately, the Defendant by such occupational negligence inflicted injury on the victim G, such as salt, tensions, etc. in light of the following conditions: (a) the victim I suffered from the victim I’s erode and tension in light of the trend that requires approximately three weeks of treatment; (b) the victim K’s erode and tension in light of the trend that requires approximately two weeks of treatment; and (c) the victim K’s erode, tensions, etc.; and (d) the victim K’s erode and tensions that require approximately 52,297,454 won of the repair cost; and (b) damaged the said e350 vehicles to the extent that the repair cost is approximately 4,065,367 won.