(영문) 창원지방법원 밀양지원 2014.10.23 2014고정111




A shall be punished by a fine of KRW 3,000,00, and by a fine of KRW 1,000,000,000.

The Defendants respectively.


Punishment of the crime

1. The facts of defamation of Defendant A, despite the fact that all school teachers belonging to E High School would drive away from school juristic persons F and E High School founders, the president, and other employees, and that they would seize schools by entering the Foundation under the direction of E High School Headquarters, Defendant A could take advantage of the fact that the former teachers do not know that they would visit the Foundation, on March 4, 2013, there is about 190 students, about 70 students, and about 20 students of E High School who are enrolled in G, and that the former teachers would not take any false information in accordance with the education policy of the principal of E High School. However, if the former teachers want to enter the Foundation by openly pointing out the direction of the former K School Headquarters, the victims and the former teachers would not be able to take advantage of the ideology of Ethic culture.

2. Defendants B’ joint principal of E High School from September 1, 2009 to June 17, 2012; from June 17, 2012 to the above principal acting as the deputy principal of E High School from June 17, 2012 to the above principal of E High School; Defendant C is the director of E High School F’s office from April 1, 2009 to the school juristic person’s management of overall affairs including budgetary affairs; Defendant C and P are the person in charge of the above education foundation and the above funding of Ehigh School E High School. Defendant C and P are the victims.