(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.02.01 2017가합554985

특허권침해금지 및 손해배상청구


1. The plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. Plaintiff B and Plaintiff A, an internal director of the Plaintiffs’ patented invention, are the joint patentees of the following patented inventions (hereinafter “instant patented invention”).

1) The title of the invention: D2) filing date/registration date/patent number: E/F/G 3) Claim 7 (hereinafter “ Claim 7 invention of this case”)

(1) The method of providing advertisements by means of advertising provision (hereinafter referred to as “the method of providing advertisements”)

(i)in the process of receiving and storing advertising information, including other flag information to limit the scope of the shortest speech to be provided for advertisements (hereinafter referred to as “entent 1”).

(B) and; the process of receiving log information for one or more advertising media installed at the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the time (hereinafter referred to as “entent 2”).

b.B Based on the collected log information at the end of the shortest, the phase in which the information on each category at the end of the shortestest is managed (hereinafter referred to as “entent 3”).

B; and on the basis of the above-mentioned U.S. internship information, the level of labelling by category at the end of the shortest (hereinafter referred to as “class 4”).

(B)B; and if a request for the provision of an advertisement is received from a voluntary advertising medium among one or more advertising media set up at the end of the said low end, it shall be the phase in which the advertisement to be offered at the end of the said low end on the basis of the category level determined on the lower end and the other flag information on each advertisement (hereinafter referred to as “entent 5”).

(i) and the phase in which the selective advertising is provided at the end of that end (hereinafter referred to as “class 6”);

2) Claim No. 8 (hereinafter “ Claim No. 8”)

In paragraph 7, the above-mentioned flag information contains information on the scope of level for one or more categories, and the above-mentioned selection stages are on the level by category at the end of the lower end and on the information on the other flag of a voluntary advertisement.