(영문) 대구지방법원 안동지원 2017.03.17 2016고단924



1. The defendants shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for up to eight months.

2.Provided, That this ruling shall not be later than two years from the date on which it becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. On June 23, 2016, the Defendant: (a) around 11:00, at the residence of the victim A (n, 54 years of age) who was in a fluent relationship with the victim D, Defendant C left an empty fluoral disease, which is an object dangerous to the victim due to a conflict of opinion while drinking with the victim and talking with the victim; (b) her right end part of this part of the victim’s right end is 1 time, and the victim’s knife the knife with both hand and her knife the knife of the victim’s knife so that the victim’s treatment cannot be known.

2. Defendant A

A. On June 23, 2016, at around 17:00, the Defendant: (a) knew of the fact that the victim B (the 55-year old) met, the victim B (the 55-year old) went to the victim’s residence; (b) knew of the fact that the victim B met with the victim’s residence; and (c) the victim went to the victim’s residence by the phone call; (d) was skeing the victim’s head head debt with the victim’s hand in the above residence; and (e) was collected one time by gathering the shoulder-sick bottle, which is a dangerous object, the victim’s left part of the treatment days, by gathering it on one hand.

나. 피해자 C에 대한 특수 상해 피고인은 제 2의 가항 기재 일시ㆍ장소에서, 피해자 C( 남, 61세) 이 피고인과 B 사이의 싸움을 말린다는 이유로 화가 나 바닥에 있던 위험한 물건인 소주병을 오른손에 잡고 피해자의 좌측 머리 부위를 1회 때리고, 바닥에 있던 위험한 물건인 깨진 소주병 조각을 들어 피해자의 좌측 귀 부위를 1회 그어 피해자에게 약 2 주간의 치료를 요하는 귓바퀴의 열린 상처를 가하였다.

3. Defendant B: (a) At the time and place described in paragraph 2-A; (b) while fighting with the victim A as described in the same paragraph, he was fighting with the victim, he sealed the victim’s head head by scam; (c) sealed the victim’s face on one occasion on one hand on one hand on one hand on one hand on one hand on another by continuously destroying the victim’s head; and (d) added the victim’s head to another.