(영문) 창원지방법원 2018.09.14 2018고단1623



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal History] Violation of Road Traffic Act (Drinking 2007): A fine of three million won for a violation of Road Traffic Act (Drinking 2009): A fine of two million won for a violation of Road Traffic Act (Drinking 2009): A fine of two million won for a violation of Road Traffic Act (Drinking 2012): A fine of eight months for a suspension of execution/two years for a violation of Road Traffic Act (Drinking 2015): A fine of eight months for a violation of the Road Traffic Act (Drink 2015): a fine of two years for a suspension of execution/two years for a suspension of execution/6/2 years; a community service

Although the defendant had been able to violate the prohibition on drinking alcohol driving more than twice as in the above criminal records, he was under the influence of around 21:30 on April 26, 2018, the roads of three-lanes in front of the 733th sulg of Chang-si, Chang-si, Chang-si, in the flow of a 0.182% alcohol level, and the roads of three-lanes in front of the 733th sulg of Sulg-si were driven at a non-sulg speed along two-lanes.

In such cases, there was a duty of care to prevent accidents in advance by safely driving a person engaged in driving a motor vehicle by checking the front side well.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected to do so and led the Defendant to take part of the back part of the victim D(30) driving car standing in the signal waiting at the front section of the Defendant’s driving, and due to its shock, the Defendant had the victim F(F, 51 years old) driving car in the front section and caused the victim F(F, 35 years old) driving car to be driven by the victim H(35 years old) driving in the front section.

Ultimately, the Defendant suffered, by such occupational negligence, injury to the victim D, such as salt, tensions, etc., in light of the influence that requires approximately two weeks of medical treatment, injury to the victim F, such as dynasium and tensions, and injury to the victim H, such as crynasium and tensions that require approximately two weeks of medical treatment.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. To inquire into the results of crackdown on driving under drinking;