(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2018.03.16 2017고단3479



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

On July 22, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to one year of imprisonment due to fraud, etc., and on April 11, 2017, the Defendant completed the execution of the sentence in Ayang Prison.

"2017 Highest 3479"

1. On September 5, 2017, the Defendant: (a) around 12:00 on September 12, 2017, on the “E” restaurant operated by the injured party D; and (b) on the basis of the lack of money in water, the Defendant issued an order for drinking and food, despite the absence of the intent or ability to pay the price, the Defendant ordered the injured party as if he would pay the drinking value, etc.; (c) ordered the drinking and food to be paid to the injured party; (d) the Defendant received the order from the injured party two parallels of week and the sum of KRW 16,00,000, such as one half of the total amount of money.

2. On September 6, 2017, at around 17:00, the Defendant against the victim F, at the main point of “H” operated by the damaged person G in Seongbuk-gu, Seongbuk-gu, Sungnam-gu, and even if the Defendant did not have money during water and received an order of alcohol and alcohol, despite the lack of the intent or ability to pay the price, the Defendant ordered the victim as if he would pay the alcohol value, etc., and the Defendant received the order of alcohol and the alcohol from the damaged person and acquired it by deceptioning the sum of KRW 14,00,000, such as 2 sick and Doi, Doi, i.e., the sum of the price from the damaged person.

3. On October 28, 2017, the Defendant: (a) around 21:00 on the part of the victim I, the Defendant: (b) at K’s multilateral bank located in Seongbuk-gu, Sungnam-gu; and (c) despite the lack of intent or ability to pay the price even if the Defendant ordered the drinking, the Defendant ordered the drinking as if the Defendant would pay the price to the victim; and (b) received the 8 cans from the victim with the sum of KRW 40,000 from the sum of the price to be paid to the victim.

On October 25, 2017, the Defendant issued an order for alcohol and alcohol to the Defendant at the 'N operated by the victim M in the first floor of the L Building underground in the Sung-gu, Sung-nam-si, Sungnam-si, the 19:00 on October 25, 2017, as if he did not have the intent or ability to pay the alcohol value, and as if he did so, he did so.