(영문) 부산지방법원 2015.04.14 2014가단210537



1. The Plaintiff:

A. Defendant A shall attach one floor among the two-story stores with the block structure slive roof on the land listed in the attached Table 1 list.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On February 13, 2013, the Plaintiff, as the project implementer of the E Expansion Corporation (11j), publicly announced the implementation plan for the urban planning facilities (road) project on February 13, 2013, to include land to be incorporated into the said project and to transfer goods. ① Land listed in the attached Table 1, which is owned by Defendant A (hereinafter “instant land 1”) and Order 1-A.

Part of the building indicated in the port, (2) the land listed in the separate sheet No. 2, Defendant B (hereinafter “instant land”) and the order No. 1-B.

As to the portion of the building indicated in paragraph (1) and the portion of the building indicated in attached Table 3 jointly owned by Defendant C and D with 1/2 shares (hereinafter referred to as “the land listed in attached Table 3”), consultation with the Defendants on compensation for losses was not reached. (B) On May 9, 2013, the Plaintiff filed an application for adjudication of expropriation with the Central Land Expropriation Committee. On October 24, 2013, the Central Land Expropriation Committee: (a) accepted each of the instant land for the said project; (b) transferred each of the building listed in paragraph (1) to another person; and (c) decided to expropriate the land on December 17, 2013; and (c) the date of commencement of expropriation shall be December 17, 2013; (b) the cost of relocating the building, etc. (original) land compensation (originally Defendant A279,964,680, 680; (b) Defendant B606, 31,920, 30539, 1305,397

C. On December 16, 2013, the Plaintiff deposited each of the above compensations. D.

After all, the Defendants appealed to the ruling of acceptance, and the Central Land Tribunal rendered a ruling on January 22, 2015 to increase the compensation to the Defendants, and the Plaintiff deposited the increased amount in the ruling of acceptance on March 4, 2015.

[Reasons for Recognition] Facts without dispute, entries in Gap evidence 1 to 12 (including each number), the purport of the whole pleadings

2. According to the above findings of the determination as to the cause of the claim, the procedure for expropriation of each of the lands of this case and the procedure for compensation for the relocation of each of the buildings mentioned in Paragraph 1 of the Disposition.