(영문) 대전지방법원 2019.09.04 2019노1831



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal (e.g., imprisonment with prison labor for six months) of the lower court is too unreasonable.

2. In a case where there is no change in the conditions of sentencing compared to the judgment of the first instance court, and the sentencing of the first instance court does not deviate from the reasonable scope of discretion, it is reasonable to respect them. Although the sentence of the first instance falls within the reasonable scope of discretion, it is desirable to reverse the judgment of the first instance court on the sole ground that it is somewhat different from the opinion of the appellate court, and to refrain from imposing a sentence that does not differ

(see Supreme Court en banc Decision 2015Do3260, Jul. 23, 2015). The following are the circumstances favorable to the Defendant: (a) the Defendant recognized the Defendant’s mistake and reflects the Defendant; (b) the driving distance is not relatively long; and (c) there are family members to support.

On the other hand, in light of the background and method of the crime, the circumstances before and after the crime, etc., the criminal liability has not been mitigated and has been punished several times for the same and different crimes, and in particular, despite the past two times of suspended sentence of imprisonment with prison labor for the same crime, the awareness of compliance by repeating the crime of this case is weak, and the risk of repeating the crime seems to be high, etc. are disadvantageous to the defendant.

Therefore, the court below determined the punishment within a reasonable scope by fully taking into account all the circumstances regarding the sentencing of the defendant, and there is no circumstance that can be newly considered in the trial.

In addition, comprehensively taking account of the various circumstances, such as the motive and means of the crime and the circumstances after the crime, etc., the sentencing of the court below cannot be deemed to be so excessive that the sentencing of the court below goes beyond the reasonable scope of discretion.

3. In conclusion, the defendant's appeal is dismissed in accordance with Article 364 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Act on the ground that it is without merit. It is so decided as per Disposition.