(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2012.10.19 2012고합232



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Forgery of an official document;

A. The Defendant conspired with the “C” on April 30, 201, entered the name certificate, D, and D on April 4, 2000 on the front of the resident registration certificate form on the front of the form without authority for the purpose of exercising it on a non-commercial area, and entered the back address change column as “Seoul Special Metropolitan City Jung-gu E” and attached a photograph of a winner on the front, affixed the official seal of the name of the head of Nowon-gu in Seoul Special Metropolitan City, and forged one copy of the resident registration certificate for D, a public document, in the name of the head of Nowon-gu in Seoul Special Metropolitan City.

B. The Defendant who forged a resident registration record card (Abstract) in collusion with the “C” and without authority to exercise it at the same time and place as the foregoing paragraph (a), refers to D and address in the form of the resident registration record card without authority.

5. The transfer on March 15, 2001 is indicated as the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Jung-gu E, and the official seal of the second head of Jung-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City affixed the official seal under the name of the second head of Jung-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City, and one resident registration card (Abstract) as to D under the name of the second head of Jung-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City. (c) The defendant who forged a certificate of the personal seal impression in collusion with the “C” and without authority to exercise the said certificate at a time and place like paragraph (a).

4. The Jung-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government E, the real estate buyer, the defendant, and the above seal imprint shall prove that they are identical to the reporter.

On May 2, 2001, a clerk: (a) affixed the official seal under the name of the 2 head of Jung-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Jung-gu Incheon Metropolitan Government Jung-gu 2 head of Dong Jung-gu, and forged a certificate of personal seal impression on D under the name of 2 head of Dong Jung-gu, Seoul Metropolitan Government. (b) On May 10, 2001, the Defendant forged private documents in collusion with the “C”, which is an official document, and without authority for the purpose of exercising the private document in a non-commercial area around May 10, 201, the Defendant forged the private document, without authority, on the land sale and purchase contract for the purpose of exercising the right in the non-commercial area, “3 lots of land, such as 1,769 square meters prior to the Gyeonggi-do Seosung-gun, G Jeon