(영문) 광주지방법원 목포지원 2010.10.13 2010고정67




Sentence A, B, and C shall be suspended, respectively.


Of the facts charged against A, the facts charged against A shall be April 20, 2006, and April 20, 2006.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A (F University professor) is a person who was admitted to the Internet portal site following the Internet portal site as a member of H, I, and J.

When disciplinary action has been taken against professors who belong to the K council, there is no fact that the victim L (the former student support director), M (the former student support director), N (the former planning director),O (the former entrance promotion director), P (the head of the P (the former graduate school), and Q (the central library director at the time) who were the faculty members of the K council would be subject to disciplinary action against R as the president at the time.

However, with a view to slandering the Defendant, using I clinic on September 4, 2008, the Defendant used the title “The reason why present assignment officers need voluntary resignation or removal” as the title “The reason why the present assignment officers need voluntary resignation or removal”, and as a professor, the Defendant published a thesis before the Ma, M, N,O, P, and Q that he had been assigned as a professor at the time of patent publication, thereby impairing the honor of the victim L, M, P, P, and Q.

2. Defendant B (at that time, the language clinic of the above university’s health and welfare service center and graduate school students at the health and medical graduate school) are members of the Internet portal site following the Internet portal site as “S, T, U, and V”.


A(물리치료학과 교수, 카페 닉네임 ‘I’)이 2007. 11. 2.(9. 22. ) 위 카페에 『현 총장이 물러나야 하는 이유 네가지!』라는 제목으로 글을 게재하였다.

피고인은 비방할 목적으로 2007. 9. 22. 위 카페 자유게시판에 ‘S’ 닉네임을 사용하여 “학생지원처장은 아직도 학생들 감시한다면서(이건 500% 추측 확신 ㅋㅋ)요. 아래에 따까리 만들어 가지고 조정한다지요.”라는 허위 내용의 글을 공연히 게재하여 피해자 L(당시 학생지원처장)의 명예를 훼손하였다.

3. Defendant C (the professor of the above university nursing department) is the “W, X, and Y” following the Internet portal site (Daum) camera.