(영문) 광주지방법원목포지원 2015.02.06 2013가단1004



1. The defendant's KRW 106,636,97, and KRW 3,00,000 to the plaintiff Eul, and KRW 1,00,000 to the plaintiff C and D respectively.


. Determination as to the cause of the claim

A. (1) On April 3, 2009, Plaintiff A, employed by the Defendant, was at the Defendant’s workplace (7CCEL) located in the industry from the 93 modern ginseng, a 376 EM31*32(S) vessel block (pre-clocking work) operation, etc., in order to covering (pre-clocking work, at least 150 tons in estimated weight) of the block (pre-clocking work), while moving the pipe, which is its design, in hand, carried the pipe, and filed a complaint. Plaintiff A suffered from an accident that gets off the floor below 3.8m of the workplace with the pipe, resulting in the shocking of the pipe.

At the time of the accident, the above Plaintiff was in a state of failing to wear a safety bell for the crash prevention at the time of the accident, and the work space of the block up to the above Plaintiff did not have a string, a light board, a fall prevention net, etc. separately installed.

Since the occurrence of sand trading, dust incidental to his/her work, and metal by-products is remarkable in the defendant's workplace, access to the workplace is essential to wear letters, mascke, protective clothes, etc., and a complaint is always kept in preparation for the complaint work of block.

(However, in light of the form and location of the foregoing accident block, and the distance between the opening and closing big language, etc., it is not clear whether the above work site was planned to use the above vehicle in lieu of the method done by the above plaintiff, or was physically possible to enter the vehicle). The plaintiff B is the plaintiff's spouse, and the plaintiff C and D are children of the plaintiff A and B.

[Ground for Recognition: Facts without dispute, Gap 1, 5, 6 evidence, and Eul 3

(2) According to the above facts, the witness E, F, and G’s testimony (excluding non-trusted parts), the result of the on-site inspection by this court, the purport of the entire pleadings] (2).