(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2018.02.06 2017고단4500



Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and three months.

The request of the applicant for compensation shall be dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant and D attempted to commit the act of sending the goods to the people who wish to purchase the goods at the middle country or the ever-time site, and to obtain the price of the goods from the other party.

On January 8, 2017, the Defendant puts down a false statement on the store site, stating that “The 125 Opics are sold,” and D sent the price of goods to the victim E who reported and contacted the above notice to the victim E.

However, the defendant and D did not have an intention or ability to send the goods promised even if they receive money from the injured party, such as not having the above obane.

As a result, the Defendant and D conspired to receive KRW 730,00 from the victim of the same day to the national bank account in the name of the Defendant, and received KRW 20,427,000 in total from the victims by 24 times until February 1, 2017.

"2017 Highest 6405"

1. Fraud;

A. On March 21, 2017, the Defendant posted a letter on March 21, 2017, around the south-gu Incheon, that used in the PC located near the station located in the main line of the subway No. 1, the subway No. 95-19, and used in the Internet site for trading goods, on the Korean car page, “gallon No. 5” on the Korean car page. On March 21, 2017, the Defendant posted a letter to sell “gallon No. 5” smartphone. The Defendant, who reported and contacted the above notice, will sell gallon No. 5 smartphone when remitting money to the victim F.

“A false statement was made to the effect that it was “.”

However, even if the defendant received money from the injured party, he did not have the intention or ability to send the things.

The defendant deceivings the victim as above and was transferred KRW 410,00 from the victim to the post office account (H) in the G name.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property by deceiving the victim.

B. On April 9, 2017, the Defendant committed the crime, around April 9, 2017, 95.