(영문) 전주지방법원 2016.08.26 2015가합3326



1. The Defendant’s compulsory execution against the Plaintiff on the basis of the payment order No. 2013 tea 4771, which was issued by the Jeonju District Court.



1. Facts of recognition;

A. The plaintiff is a company that aims at packaging construction business, etc., and the defendant is a company that aims at the wholesale and retail business for road packing.

From April 2007, the defendant has continuously supplied the Plaintiff with the oiling agents for road packing, and has received part of the price.

B. On July 26, 2013, the Defendant applied for a payment order against the Plaintiff to the effect that “the Plaintiff shall pay KRW 545,969,00,00, calculated at the rate of 20% per annum from the day after the original copy of the payment order was served to the day of full payment” (hereinafter “instant payment order”). The Defendant received a decision from the above court that “the Plaintiff shall pay KRW 545,969,00 to the Defendant, calculated at the rate of 20% per annum from the day after the original copy of the payment order was served to the day of full payment.” The instant payment order was served to the Plaintiff on July 31, 2013, and was finalized on August 15, 2013.

C. From July 24, 2013 to August 11, 2014, the Defendant supplied the Plaintiff with 471,772,50 won of packing materials for road.

Serial Transfer Method: 10. 50,000 won; 20. 1. 2. 8. 2. 1. 8. 2. 1. 1. 30,000 won; 30,000 won; 4. 1. 30,000 won; 4. 0. 6. 30,00 won; 1. 40,000 won; 1. 1. 1. 30,000 won; 1. 4. 1. 1. 2. 30,000 won; 4. 1. 1. 1. 30,000 won; 1. 4. 20,000 won; 1. 4. 20,000 won; 1. 20,000 won; 1. 50,000 won; 20,000 won; 3. 1. 3. 20,0,014. 20.

D. Meanwhile, from September 2, 2013 to October 6, 2015, the Plaintiff’s total sum of KRW 702,193,207 as indicated below is below.