(영문) 인천지방법원 2017.05.18 2016노3932



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. Although there was a fact that the police officer, who was called out by the defendant who was assaulted by the police officer, resisted the perpetrator to handle the perpetrator, and caused the beer's wall to the beer's disease, the police officer did not display the beer's beer's beer's disease to the police officer.

Nevertheless, the lower court interfered with the legitimate execution of duties by police officers who are likely to display a police officer’s line of duty.

The judgment of the court below is erroneous by misunderstanding the facts and affecting the conclusion of the judgment.

B. The punishment sentenced by the lower court (10 months of imprisonment, 2 years of suspended sentence, 80 hours of community service) is too unreasonable.

2. Determination

A. As to the assertion of mistake of facts, the following circumstances acknowledged by the court below after legitimate investigation and adoption, i.e., police officers E, upon receiving a report from the “C Sing Meeting” at the time of the instant case, entered three sings in the investigative agency and went to the three sings, thereby resulting in assault against the Defendant.

At the same time, the statement was intended to be punished, and it was intended to receive it.

In addition, the Defendant had a wall for beer’s disease on the table table while taking a bath for his own interest.

at the time of dispatch

F and G brought about three parallels of the defendants who were outside of the Republic of Korea, and the defendant, once he was frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter, frighter,

and specifically stating the circumstances at the time of the instant case, ② was sent together with E at the time.

F and G statements are made for the same purpose, and ③ According to the field pictures taken at the time of the instant crime, there are be be be be be be a beer’s disease, which appears to have been broken by cutting the beer’s disease to the tables as well as by cutting the beer’s wall. ④ The above E, F, and F.