(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2020.03.11 2019고합930



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for five years.


Punishment of the crime

1. On June 2019, the Defendant committed the crime against the victim B did not have worked as an affiliate company C or its affiliates, and was thought to consume the Defendant’s personal debt, living expenses, etc. even if the Defendant received money from the victim under the pretext of investment in stocks, and even if not, there was no intent or ability to pay the victim the proceeds promised by investing in the stocks, “B” is a director of an affiliate conducting research related to the autonomous driving of C. If the shares of the said company are listed, profits may be earned more than 4 to 5 times the principal amount. After listing, the Defendant would be the president of the said affiliate company. After listing the shares of the said company, the amount would be returned to four times the principal amount of investment from November 2019. However, under the name of the Plaintiff, the issue may be raised if the shares were deposited in the new account and the cash card connected to the said account was made in the name of the victim and then withdrawn from the account in the name of the victim’s name of KRW 600,500.

7. 14. 14. 45,000,000 won; and

8. 21. 21. 50,000,000

8. Each deposit of KRW 120,000,000 on or around 30.30 each year with the account in the name of the victim (H).

8. 21. 50,000,000 won, and the same year;

8. 30.120,000,000 won shall be respectively deposited in the account in the name of the victim and the same year;

6. The same year, around 27.27.30,000,000 won;

8.21. around 21.20,000,000 won, for the same year

8. Around 30.30.00,000 won received each deposit, and then withdrawn each money deposited with a cash card connected to each account received from the victim, thereby defrauding KRW 535,00,000.

2. On June 16, 2017, the Defendant committed a crime against the Victim K does not have any specific income due to the escape of the Defendant, i.e., the Defendant did not have worked for C through its affiliate, and the Defendant did not have any specific income due to the escape of the Defendant, as designated in another fraudulent case.