(영문) 특허법원 2015.06.19 2014허9338



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. 1) Name of the patented invention in this case: Corresponding lids 1 to be separated from the lids 2nd from the safety device (hereinafter referred to as “sporesponding 2”)/registration number: On June 13, 2007 / 8725 (No. 3) the patentee: Defendant 4) the main body (hereinafter referred to as “sporesporesponding 1”; hereinafter referred to as “sporesporesponding lids”) opened and closed by the main body of the claim 1; hereinafter referred to as “sporesporesporesporesponding lids” (hereinafter referred to as “sporesporesporesporesporesporesporesponding 3); hereinafter referred to as “sporesporesporesporesporesporesporesporesporesponding 1 to be separated from the instant lidsporesporesporesporesposporespos, etc.”)