(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.10.22 2018고단369



1. As to the crimes listed in the judgment of the defendant A 1, 2, and 3, with respect to each of the crimes listed in the judgment of the defendant 1 and 6 months, each of the crimes listed in the judgment below 4, 5, 6, 7.


Punishment of the crime

On May 26, 2009, Defendant A was sentenced to one year and six months of imprisonment with prison labor at the Busan District Court on January 29, 2010 during the execution of the sentence, and the parole period was expired on April 15, 2010. On November 14, 2013, Defendant A was sentenced to one year of imprisonment with prison labor at the Busan District Court on the grounds of fraud, etc. and was released as cancellation of detention on March 13, 2014, and the execution of the sentence became final and conclusive on June 6, 2014.

[2] In the event that the Defendants came to know that a victim C (e.g., 52 years old) who returned to the Republic of Korea after living in the Philippines was required to obtain a loan to raise a business fund, the Defendants conspired to commit fraud against the victim by “a person who raised the financial transaction performance so that he can obtain a large amount of a loan by raising the financial transaction performance” and approaching the victim.

1. On August 19, 2014, the Defendants related to the purchase of secondhand cars must raise the credit rating to the victims nearby the Busan Eastern Station located in 206 as the center of the Busan Eastdong-gu.

After purchasing a secondhand vehicle in the name of the party, it was false that it would make it possible to lend money to the party after making an installment payment at one time and making an installment payment at one time.

그러나 사실 피고인들은 피해자 명의로 캐피탈에서 대출을 받아 중고차를 구입한 후 위 중고차를 가로챌 계획이었기 때문에, 피해 자로부터 대출 관련 서류를 교부 받아 대출을 받은 후 중고차를 구입하더라도 피해자에게 위 중고차를 인도해 주거나 그 대출금을 일시에 변제하여 피해자의 신용도를 높여 피해자에게 대출이 가능하도록 해 줄 의사나 능력이 없었다.

The defendants deceiving the victim as such, and the copy of the head of the Tong, resident registration, and the copy of the resident registration related to the loan necessary for the second and second purchase from the victim.