(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.11.26 2015노2845




The appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal (unfair punishment) of the original judgment (one year and nine months of imprisonment) is too unreasonable.

2. A reasonable circumstance is that the Defendant’s mistake is against his/her own fault, etc.

However, in light of the reality that the defendant does not know about the period of repeated crimes for the same kind of crime, and committed each of the crimes in this case by claiming insurance money from many unspecified drivers repeatedly over two years by causing an intentional accident, and these crimes do not only cause property damage to the insurance company, but also cause physical risk to the other drivers of the accident, and damage to the majority of the insured, which is highly likely to cause social criticism. In our society, since moral hazard hazard related to insurance money is serious, it is presumed that many insurance accidents caused by intention is being paid, and it is difficult to clarify it as well. Considering the above circumstances, it is necessary to protect the insurance fraud crime committed as in this case, such as this case, from a long period of punishment to a large number of unspecified drivers, the defendant did not agree with the victims, and efforts to recover damage is not made, and the defendant's age, risk to the other drivers of the accident, damage to the majority of the insured, damage to the majority of the policy parties, and the sentencing guidelines for the crime in this case, the sentencing guidelines of the victim and its specific sentencing range (the sentencing guidelines or punishment of the victim).