(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2016.05.12 2014가합26266



1. Defendant D and E shall each be KRW 9,106,652 for Plaintiff A, KRW 8,625,914 for Plaintiff B, and KRW 8,207,285 for Plaintiff C, respectively.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On July 10, 2006, G entered into a lease agreement with I, who was the owner of HY B 204 Dong Dong (hereinafter “instant housing”) in Gangnam-gu, Seoul (hereinafter “instant housing”) with KRW 43 million (hereinafter “instant lease agreement”) and had been residing in the instant housing since it entered into a lease agreement with G around 10,000.

Defendant F completed the registration of ownership transfer on July 12, 2007 with respect to the instant housing on September 12, 2007, and succeeded to the lessor’s status under the instant lease agreement.

Defendant F renewed the instant lease agreement between G on October 21, 2010, and Defendant F increased the lease deposit to KRW 60 million.

B. On December 20, 2013, at around 01:50, a fire (hereinafter “instant fire”) occurred in the dwelling space of the instant housing. G residing in the instant housing due to the instant fire was killed. Around December 20, 2013, a part of the adjacent other housing units (such as the foregoing HJ B B No. 103, 102, and 101) was destroyed by fire.

C. Defendant D and E jointly inherited G’s property as G’s children and 1/2. D.


A is the owner of the foregoing H B 103, the Plaintiff B is the owner of the same 102, and the Plaintiff C is the owner of the same 101.

At the time of the instant fire, Plaintiff A leased the said KRW 103,00,000 monthly rent of KRW 550,000,000, and Plaintiff B leased the said KRW 102,000,000,000, and Plaintiff C leased the said KRW 101,000,000,000.

E. The amount of damage (amount of damage) caused by the instant fire was assessed as KRW 16,413,304 in the case of the said 103, KRW 16,051,829 in the case of the said 102, KRW 15,064,571 in the case of the said 101.

[Reasons for Recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 1 to 7, Eul evidence 1, Eul evidence 1 to 2, Eul evidence 1 and 2 (including a branch number if there is a serial number).