(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.04.21 2014가단5246083



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff is an investor who invested KRW 1 billion in the production of film “B” (hereinafter “the film of this case”). C Limited Company (hereinafter “Nonindicted Company”) has decided to take charge of the role of producing, selling, and distributing profits from the film of this case. The Defendant is a joint and several surety for Nonparty Company’s obligation to the Plaintiff arising from the Plaintiff’s investment contract concluded between Nonparty Company and the Plaintiff on July 30, 2012.

B. Conclusion of film investment contract [Article 1 (Purpose of Contract)] The purpose of the instant investment contract is to clarify the rights and obligations of the Plaintiff and the non-party company in producing, selling, and distributing profits from the film of this case.

The defendant, who is an interested party to the production of the film of this case, is to jointly and severally guarantee the rights and duties of the non-party company.

[Article 2 (Subject Matter of Contract) : The actual cost of production: The actual cost of KRW 4.6 billion, not later than January 2013: The actual cost of production: The actual cost of KRW 4.6 billion: The actual cost of production: The actual cost of KRW 6.6 billion: The standard for settlement of actual cost of production: the standard for net cost of production [Article 3 (Definition of Terms)]

1. The term "total cost" means the sum of net production cost, "market cost," "distribution fee," "production management fee," "overseas export cost," "other cost," and " consensus" as defined in the following:

- The term “total production cost” means the sum of the “net production cost” and “market cost” for the film of this case.

- The term “net production cost” means the cost of planning, producing and completing the film of this case.

- The term “market fee” means the sum of the advertising and public relations expenses and distribution expenses for the film of this case.

- The term “advertising advertising expenses” means advertising and publicity of the instant film with a view to opening a theater of the instant film, withdrawing video, or expanding revenues at the time of TV broadcasting, and then opening/sup/sup/suping/suping, and thereafter advertising and publicity of the instant film.