(영문) 서울고등법원 2015.07.09 2014나48707

산지전용허가신청절차이행청구 등


1. All of the plaintiffs' claims against the defendants that were changed in exchange in the trial are dismissed.



1. Facts of recognition;

A. At the time of acquiring land shares, I forest land 15,672 square meters (hereinafter “instant land before the instant partition”) were owned by A.S. Investment Company (hereinafter “instant company”). On May 18, 2012, Defendant E acquired the instant land prior to the instant partition, among the land before the instant partition, the shares of Defendant E 4958/15672, Plaintiff C’s 148/15672, Plaintiff C’s 4434/15672 shares, and N acquired the shares of 1487/15672 shares.

On the same day, Plaintiff B and A acquired 743.5/15672 shares among N's shares, Defendant G acquired 828/15672 shares among Defendant E's shares, and Defendant F acquired 1651/15672 shares among Defendant E's shares.

B. On June 7, 2012, the land before the instant partition is divided and ownership transfer 1) is 4,628 square meters of J-forest land (hereinafter “instant land”).

(2) In the case of this case, K forest land 1,322 square meters (hereinafter “instant land”).

(3) The land of this case is 1,323 square meters of L forest land (hereinafter “instant land”).

3,300 square meters of forest land (hereinafter “instant land”)

(5) The land of this case is 1,295 square meters for H forest land (hereinafter “instant land”).

2) On July 23, 2012, the land of this case was divided into two parts: (i) Defendant E shares 10316/15672 among them; (ii) Defendant G shares 1786/15672; (iii) Defendant F shares 1/2 of them; and (iv) Plaintiff B shares shares 1/2 of them; and (iv) the land of this case is owned by Plaintiff C; and (v) the land of this case was owned by Plaintiff A and B; (v) the share shares of Plaintiff C 197/15672; and (v) the share of Plaintiff D 768/1572; and (v) the share of Plaintiff E 198/197/15672; and (v) the share of Plaintiff E 198/197/15672; and (v) the share of Defendant E 196/197/1572; and (v) the share of Defendant E 16/727/167/75/

C. Land sales contract and the agreement on the instant share in the land, and the instant case on August 19, 201 (in the case of Plaintiff C, September 9, 201) prior to the acquisition of shares, division of land, and ownership transfer due thereto.