(영문) 청주지방법원 2012.10.26 2012고합224



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for eight years.

The information on the accused shall be disclosed through an information and communications network for 10 years.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is a person in a de facto marital relationship with a mother of the victim C, who is in a de facto marital relationship with the victim.

1. On March 2012, 2012, the Defendant: (a) committed early 21:00 on March 201, 2012, the Defendant: (b) had sexual intercourse with the victim (hereinafter “victim”) who was reporting television by enjoying in the betting room at the betting room; (c) had sexual intercourse with the victim’s hand by taking the victim’s hand by putting the victim’s hand on the back, such as the victim; and (d) had the victim’s knife “ma...........”; and (c) had the victim’s knife by inserting the victim’s knife, “after suppressing the victim’s resistance”; and (d) had the Defendant’s sexual organ inserted into the part of the victim’s knife at one time.

2. On March 2012, the Defendant committed a crime in the middle of March 2012, at around 20:30 on the date on which the Defendant committed the crime, at the same place as on March 2012, 20, at around 20:30, at the same time, had the victim (at the time, 10 years of age) who wants to go in the room of the Defendant and the marina, had the victim feel her hand, and had the victim run her business, with the victim’s hand, and had the victim’s sexual organ her hand, and had the victim sexual intercourse once by inserting the victim’s sexual organ into the part of the victim, by putting the victim’s sexual organ into the part of the victim.

3. On July 3, 2012, the Defendant committed a crime on July 3, 2012, at the same place at around 21:00 on the same day and at the same time, committed an indecent act on the part of the victim by forcing the victim to commit an indecent act by discovering and eating the victim (at that time, 11 years of age) who was seated on the computer, and following the victim such as the victim, etc., left the panty of the victim, bringing the victim to the victim, making him/her spanty, humping, and humping the victim, and huming the victim with his/her son, and forcing him/her to commit an indecent act.

The defendant committed a sexual crime on at least two occasions, and committed a sexual crime against a person under the age of 16.