(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2019.07.05 2018고합231



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for up to six months.

A candidate for medical treatment and custody shall be punished by medical treatment and custody.


Criminal facts

In addition, the facts leading to the medical treatment and custody [criminal facts] Defendant and the requester for medical treatment and custody (hereinafter referred to as “Defendant”) committed the following crimes under the lack of ability or intent to discern things due to symptoms such as bipolartic disorder, etc.

"2018, 231"

1. On October 4, 2018, the Defendant: (a) destroyed four computers of amounting to 1,980,000 won by cutting off the elevator wall from the office, and destroying the elevator wall so that, at around 06:20 on October 4, 2018, the Defendant: (b) destroyed the elevator wall in amount of KRW 1,980,00,000, the repair cost of KRW 1,891,980,980, the repair cost of KRW 1,891,980, the repair cost of KRW 1,980, the repair cost of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building of the building.

"2019, 32"

2. On September 11, 2018, the Defendant, on September 11, 2018, damaged the property damage of the city due to the following: (a) around 01:05, at the parking lot of the building in Gwangjin-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, the Defendant: (b) caused the damage to the property of the city due to the damage of the city, such as: (c) the victim E, who was parked at the parking lot of the building in the Seoul Special Metropolitan City; and (d) the Orato (HONDA BENY) that the victim E parked in his/her hand; and (d) the la, hand, brok hand, broke hand, receipt boxes, and b

"2019, 105"

3. On September 9, 2018, the Defendant violated the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Drivers, Violence, etc.) (hereinafter referred to as “Aggravated Punishment, etc.”) was trying to get a passenger taxi from the taxi running in the area of Seongdong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Area as a passenger of the victim F (the age of 51) in front of the H road located in G G in Gwangjin-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, and the victim was knife by knife the Defendant’s hand, and knife the victim’

Accordingly, the Defendant assaulted the driver of a vehicle in operation.

[Facts causing medical treatment and custody] The defendant is not less than imprisonment without prison labor in a state that he or she lacks the ability or intent to discern things due to symptoms, such as bipolartic disorder.