(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2018.02.28 2017고단1616



Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for six months.

However, from the date of the final judgment of this case, the defendants are above two years from the date of the final judgment.


Punishment of the crime


A is the president of the F Children's House with six half to five years of age, 78, and 9 childcare teachers, who are the president of the F Children's House having nine childcare teachers, and are engaged in the overall management of the safety of the originals. From February 2016 to February 2016, Defendant B is working as a teacher in charge of the day-to-year lives comprised of 0 young children in the above F Child Care Center, and is engaged in the duty of directly protecting, educating, and monitoring to prevent the originals from being shared. The victim G (H students) is a male who was 11 months after his birth and was hospitalized in the above F Child Care Center from January 7, 2016 to was managed and educated under the protection of the Defendants.


B In light of the F Child Care Center E around August 17, 2016, when 14:36, the child care center sees the victim and the young children with the ability to become aware of, in order to care for the young children, the above child care center is divided into the kitchen and the play room. Therefore, even if the young children do so within the room where the young children live together, they should be able to pay the water with the electric coffee so that the young children do not have contact with the electric coffee or the cable connected to it, so it is likely that the young children do not have contact with the electric coffee, or the electric wires connected with the electric coffee do not have contact with the young children, and it is necessary to remove the danger factors of the young children by putting the electric wires covered or tape so that they do not use it, and to prevent them from being harshly or from being able to keep them from being able to observe or block, despite the fact that the young children do not have the duty of care.