(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2017.05.24 2017고단261




A Imprisonment for six months, Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of two million won, and Defendant C shall be punished by a fine of one million won.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendants conspired to receive insurance money and distribute the vehicle after they intentionally take the vehicle in violation of the signal and intentionally take the vehicle driving with changing course, caused a traffic accident in which they intentionally take the vehicle driving.

1. Joint crimes committed by Defendant A and Defendant B

A. On December 11, 2015, the Defendants conspired with D, E, and F to commit the crime (joint crime with D, E, and F) in collusion with D, E, and F, and on December 11, 2015, D in front of the 179 Hancheon-ro, 15:10 on December 11, 2015, and D in front of the 179 Hancheon-ro, J in the role of driving the so-called “E”-owned G A, Defendant A, B, and E with the intent to share the role of the e-ray of the said A-ray, and D received part of D in the future of the said A-W-E-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-

Accordingly, in collusion with D, E, and F, the Defendants intentionally caused a traffic accident but caused negligence and claimed insurance payment to the victim Samsung Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., an insurance company of the said A-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn-Wn, the Defendants received KRW 1,838,390 total insurance money from the damaged party

B. On February 1, 2016, the Defendants conspired with J and K to commit the crime (J and K joint crime) on the front day of the Incheon Bupyeong-gu Incheon Seosan-dong 47-5 Incheon Grand Park around 17:10 on February 1, 2016, J decided to share the role of driving a motor vehicle on its own L, and Defendant A, Defendant A, Defendant B, and K to share the said franchise’s role as a partner, and the J discovered and partly obtained MNN-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k

As a result, the Defendants conspired with J and K to cause a traffic accident which occurred by negligence even if they intentionally caused a traffic accident, and claim the payment of the insurance money to the victim Eastern Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., which is the insurance company of the above Switzerland car.